Monday, October 30, 2006

Along for the ride....

Noah did a great job this weekend. It's so hard to just "watch" the games from your stroller, but he does a good job. He fell asleep in his stroller during all three matches and when he wasnt sleeping, he brushed his teeth, played peek-a-boo with the parents, or enjoyed his goldfish. His favorite part of the game is when they introduce the players. He LOVES to clap for his team. It's priceless. Posted by Picasa


the rinehart's said...

What a trooper! Malachi would never do that well! Have a BLESSED day!

such is life said...

he is adorible. dang, i cant even sit that long without getting fussy ;)

Wentzel Weekly said...

Oh, my gosh! Kendra would have had a hard time with that too!!
What is Noah for Halloween? Anything? Do you go Trick or Treating?

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