Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Random Pictures

Since I have gotten the new camera, I have been snapping pictures left and right. Josh is getting sick of it, but I will always have the little one who sees the camera and cheezes! For all you camera geeks out there, I ended up getting the Canon Rebel XT. I just got a 75-300 mm lens off of Ebay that should be here by the end of the week. I am very excited about that! Anyway, totally recomend the Rebel XT. It has 8mp, but it is really easy to work with and figure out. Stay tuned for more pictures.....they will get better, I promise! Posted by Picasa


suzanne said...

That first picture is so cute!!! I love it. Keep em comin'!

A Weaver's Touch said...

Yippeee for the new cam!!!! It sounds like a GREAT one - and if the pics are any indication, you bought just the right one! (Of course, you could take a pic of Noah with a cheap disposable, and it would still be cute!)Ariend told me about slide.com - it's super easy - but I don't if you can use it on blogger or not. That's probably old news, but I'm a newcomer to the whole pic-posting gang, so thought I'd tell you anyhow! :) Anyhow - nice pics!

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