Tuesday, August 15, 2006


THAT is what I paid for Gas yesterday. I never thought I would see the day, where I was actually excited that I paid under $3.00 for a gallon of gas, but alas, that day is here! Noah and I went to SAMS last night to pick up some crucial items (aka diapers and wipes!) and that is where I got it. What is gas where you are? I hear it tends to be a little cheaper in the south, but I have been to IN where it is 2-3 cents cheaper. Anyway, that was a little sunshine in my day, that I thought I would share. Sad, I know.


suzanne said...

the cheapest i've seen gas around here is 2.99!! Crazy, I know. I remember when i first started driving, it was like 85 cents!

Troy & Sherry said...

i paid $2.92 yesterday - it has been $2.89 at certain gas stations around lafayette though.....makes me thankful for my honda

Anonymous said...

Suzanne needs to come to Melvindale - I paid $2.89 this morning. I hear it's $2.85 at Allen and Southfield. :) I felt the same way, Annie - I looked at it, got all excited, and thought - how silly to be excited about that price! :) But I still am!!

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