Thursday, November 30, 2006

Well, we had the ultrasound yesterday....

Now, about that first picture. They aren't 100% sure it is a boy. She couldnt' get a good shot because the baby was upside down. I was hoping to post a video of the UltraSound but apparently it is against the law to video tape....hmmm that's funny we have one of Noah's. Oh well. The nurse practitioner found something in the baby's brain and wants us to go in to Duke for a level II ultrasound. She said it was a Choroid Plexus Cyst which was very small and to not worry about it. If they find anything in the ultrasound, they are to send us to a specialist. She also told me not to go home and get on the internet about it. Which is exactly what I did! Anyway, I have researched about it, found alot of info, and she was exactly right, there is no cause for alarm and these things usually take care of themselves. We havent scheduled the 2nd ultrasound yet but will let all of you know when we do and make sure to let you know what happens! Thanks for your prayers!

Everything else was great. The baby's heartbeat was about 150's and is measuring 9 oz. I've gained 3 pounds, and my iron and other levels are perfect. Next appointment is Jan 2. So stay tuned!


the rinehart's said...

SO EXCITING! We'll keep you all in our prayers. Hope we see you when you visit!

the rinehart's said...

Stephen just looked at your blog...
" look like you are a hard core coach, Josh! How is life treating you? Oh...and just so you know I can STILL whip you!"

Wentzel Weekly said...

Congrats!! That is perfect for Noah (a little brother)! We will definitely keep you in our prayers!!!!

the rinehart's said...

So the weekend of the 15th? How long are you staying....would the weekend work or a week night? We would LOVE to be with you if your time allows!

Beth said...

Hi Family! I miss you guys. How's my Noah? Welll...if I had your phone number, I would have called to tell you, but this will have to do--i'm engaged!!! yay! check out the blog for all the details and put my name on your calendar for November 24, 2007! Love you guys!!!

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