Well, I just got back from my check up. Everything is "perfect". She said that the baby's heartbeat is in the 150's-160's, which is good but doesn't help me figure out if it's a girl or a boy. At this time Noah's was about 152, so we will see. We scheduled the ultrasound and my next appointment for Wed, Nov 29. Hope the little person is cooperative! Haven't gained any weight yet, but the doc didnt seem too worried. She said just eat when you feel like it, which was nice to hear. Anyway, just thought I would update everybody on the progression. Must find a picture to make this post more exciting :-)
I know it has nothing to do with anything, but it is a funny picture and does make the post more interesting!
Thanks so much for commenting on our blog! I have looked at yours from time to time as well. What a cute little guy you have there! And congrats on the baby-on-the-way! Your just a month or two ahead of me!
Hey Hill's! Glad the baby and mommy are doing well! We are SO EXCITED to see you when you are in IN. Do you have any free nites open...you could come for supper?! Let me know!!!! Have a BLESSED day!
Annie - That is so cool. (about your baby...not the fish). That fish is completely ridiculous-looking....I can see my dad in that picture. ha!
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