Saturday, November 11, 2006

Josh's Old New Truck



Well, here it is. I have ben meaning to blog about it, but just havent had the time. This is Josh's new old truck. We've been in the market for a second vehicle ever since he sold his Honda Passport. He found this truck on the side of the road for $1,000. Mind you, it didnt start and we had to tow it to the local mechanic, but it was only $1,000 nonetheless. After the change of the alternator ($175) and a new paint job from MACO, from his wonderful wife for his birthday, this is the end product. Not too shabby for a $1500 truck. Mechanic says as long as we keep oil in it, it should run forever! Well, I dont know about forever, but it should last us a while. Praise the Lord!
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