Saturday, May 31, 2008

Josh's New Toy

Before we left Angier, Josh sold his Jeep. We've been living on one car since then, which is fine because Josh walks to work. Josh has been looking for another "dream jeep" but decided that he would "settle" for this little number until he finds exactly what he's looking for. It's a 1999 Ford Mustang and will definately do the job to drive around town while the boys and I have the van. Oh and for those who are concerned, YES there is room for 2 car seats in the back. That was a prerequisite for the purchase ;-)

He will defintately be sharing his toy with his wonderful wife!!!! For those of you who care; this was ANOTHER craigslist find at $3000. Not too shabby!


the rinehart's said...

okay...stephen is SO jealous!
i think i need to take craigslist shopping lessons from you!

A Weaver's Touch said...

Whoa - - - GREAT 'stang! Auntie Brenda would look GOOD in a car like that! :)

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