Thursday, January 27, 2011

6 months

Don't have a lot of time, but wanted to update the blog really quick while I was thinking about it. Our baby girl turned 6 months old last week! Too fast I tell you!!! She is a whopping 15 lbs 7 oz. and 25.75 inches long. Due to a snow storm, we were the only ones in the doctor's office, so the doctor took extra special time with her and watched her perform all her tricks. She is (and has been) rolling over both ways, just started getting up on her hands and knees rocking back and forth, and we had to lower her crib two nights ago, because while she was playing, she figured out how to pull up and look over the side. I am so very thankful that I saw her do that!!! She is still 100% nursing and wants absolutely nothing to do with baby food. Doesn't matter how sweet I make it. She wants none of it! We try a couple times a day, so hopefully she will get the hang of it very soon. This is what her Big Brother Noah was at 6 months Click HERE and HERE is Jacob. The boys just LOVE her. They play with her and love to hold her. She thinks they are the best entertainment ever. I love watching her eyes light up when Noah comes home from school. She is a happy little girl who loves people. She enjoys her exersaucer and jumperoo, but her favorite thing to do is play with her toys in her crib. We Looooooooove Our Sissy!

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