Sunday, June 22, 2008

Proud Potty Boy!!!!!

Doesn't he look so proud! Pottytrained. What is that word...really? I mean, does it mean use the potty all day with big boy pants on and doesn't have an accident in 3 days? 4 days? a week? I don't think I would say Noah is 100% potty trained. Is he dry all day long? Yes. Does he go pee pee in the potty when I take him? Yes. Does he tell me when he has to go? No. Does he tell me when he's gone in his pants? No. Does he go Number 2 in the potty? Sometimes...lately, no. Does he wake up from his naps dry? Yes. Does he wake up in the morning dry? Most times yes.
It's so confusing! We started this sticker chart about 3 weeks ago. He LOVES it! I will ask him if he has to go potty, and he responds, "no, potty". But when I say, Do you want a sticker? He stops what he is doing and runs to the potty pulling his pants down on the way. He only gets a sticker if he goes. I have no idea what I am doing. He wears big boy pants around the house but I am scared to death to put him in them when we are out (which is alot). What if he has an accident at the most unopportuned time? It's hard enough playing a zone defense when you have 2 to cover and are out and about. Maybe when we are on Vacation and Josh is around to help me. No clue. He will be Three tomorrow and I would have loved to say, "why yes, of course my son was potty trained before he turned 3!" Oh well. We're still working on it.


The Baker Family said...

I have been wondering what it really means to be pottytrained as well. Morgan has been doing really well, but we have days that she doesn't. I can't wait to be able to go places, with panties on her little bum, and not be terrified she will have an accident. So far we have not left the house without a diaper/pullup!

Laura said...

I think it sounds like he's doing great! Good job mom! And happy birthday Noah!! Hope you have a happy day! :)

suzanne said...

Good job on the chart, mamma! and good job, Noah!

the rinehart's said...

Good job, Noah!

Potty training...oh what do I say!? I definately think that the child has to be ready. Malachi did great, then not so great, and now great again! I'm praying he is doing great when baby comes! It is so nice to not have to change diapers, esp the dirty ones! And when they are telling you they have to go it gets even easier! It will all come in time. Just be patient.

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