Sunday, October 21, 2007

Jacob and the bathtub

Ever since Jacob was born, he has HATED his baths! Screamed his little head off every single time anything wet would touch him. I have learned how to wash him within less than a minute beacuse he was so upset. I thought it very strange and hoped that he would eventually grow out of it. Well, the time has finally come. The other day I had gotten his bath ready, had all the "stuff" in the appropriate place to grab quickly, and when I put Jacob in his ducky, he looked up at me and smiled... YEAH!!!! He is almost able to sit up entirely by himself. He still falls over sometimes when I leave him to play with his toys, but he's getting stronger every day. He can also scoot across the room to get a toy or any other object he wants to get a hold of. Oh, and (drum roll please) His first little tooth popped through this past week. There is another one coming in right next to it, and boy has he been miserable. It's amazing to me that he is going to be 6 months old. It seems like it is going by way too fast! Time didn't go by this fast with Noah! Speaking of the 2 year old, he is a ball of energy! He is starting to speak in little sentences. His favorite is, "bye bye Dada!", "bye bye Poo Poo" (this is when he flushes, no he's not potty trained, but we are working on it), " Thank you, Momma!", "Please Momma?" and "No, Mine!" (this is one I dislike the most, sadly I think he learned it in the nursery). There is more, but these are what we hear most. He LOVES to show off in front of his girl friends (the volleyball girls). Last weekend we went to Tennessee for a match, Jacob was sleeping in his stroller, and Noah gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Nigh Nigh, momma", then he took his sweatshirt, balled it up like a pillow, and laid down on the bleachers and fell asleep. He slept the rest of the match. I actually got to watch a game without holding, chasing, or feeding anybody!

Well, didn't mean to ramble. Enjoy the video!

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