Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Four Months Already?

I can hardly believe it, but we just got back from Jacob's 4 month checkup! The little guy is 17 1/2 lbs., and 25 1/2 in. long. He's in the 90 percentile of weight, 75 percentile of height, and 50 percentile of head circumference. Basically, he's tall, fat, and has a small head... ha ha. just kidding. He is doing great! Lately he's been pulling everything to his mouth. He gets so excited when he sees a toy, and grabs at it. When you do rasberries, he mimics and does rasberries too. It's too cute and he actually did it for the doctor today. They took his picture with his doctor today to use in the local paper for advertisement for the office, so we'll be looking forward to seeing those soon! It's so neat to compare my two boys to each other. I love blogger! I got a picture of Noah right after his 4 month checkup, you can see the earlier post here.

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