Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Lip!

This is so gross, but I had to put it on here because of the "swolleness" of my lip. It's one thing to just tell somebody, yeah, I have a cold sore and my lip is swolllen, but it's another to say, I have like 29 coldsores and my lips is HUGE! Well, this past weekend I got hit pretty hard with a cold. I was very sick, in fact, I was doing a photo shoot in Morrisville for a family at a park and I got woozy and thought I was going to pass out. 45 minutes later, we finished the shoot, but Josh had to come and get me and the boys because I was in no shape to drive home. Anyway, I think the sores are from being sick. I woke up Monday morning and my upper lip was digustingly huge. I seriously have about 15 sores on the top of my lip and 3 on the bottom. I haven't left the house in 2 days because I look like some freak. Yeah, we havent been doing much lately. Hope my misery makes somebody laugh =)


suzanne said...

that is so weird! You poor thing! Even though you told me about it, I didn't fully comprehend until I SAW it! Yikes, hope it gets better soon!

the rinehart's said...

You poor girl! Only you would post this!!! You make me laugh. Miss you. Too bad you can't stop in when you visit IN anymore...coming to KS anytime soon?! Take care and hope you feel better soon. Rachel

Alyssa said...

My sister gets them that bad too, and she actually is just getting over some awful ones herself. She would watch this and cringe with pain, and honestly, I am not the type of person to laugh at others pain either, so I watched feeling badly for you:).

I hope they are getting better!

Kandie Stilwell said...

You poor thing, I can sympathize. Baby oral gel works great to kill the pain at least temporarily. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Herb, Kristy, Jonas and Mason said...

My lip does the same thing when I get a cold sore! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I seriously look like a softball hit my lip. Hope it gets better soon.

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