Wednesday, August 08, 2007

He's A Sumb Thucker!

Yes, our child has found his thumb. I haven't decided if I am too excited about it yet. I am excited now, because he can find it when he is fussy in the middle of the night, but I don't think I am going to be too excited about a year from now. *sigh* I guess it's cute for now =)
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the rinehart's said...

Exactly my thoughts 14 months ago! So many people told me thumb suckers are the happiest of babies! It is cute! Try "STOP" when you are ready to break it. I've seen it work firsthand on 6 kids!!! It worked for Malachi for a week....well I don't know what happened. Then with all our moving around from CO to IN to KS to CO to IN and back to KS I decided to wait to try again until we are for sure settled! Once he stops sucking his thumb he won't be my baby anymore:( I can't believe how big Jacob is!!! Time flys! Glad things are going good. Everyone seems to be growing and learning!

Alyssa said...

He won't take a paci?? Kendra would've sucked her thumb if I didn't encourage the paci. Everyone kept telling me that a paci can be taken away, so I pushed the paci instead, and she loved it!
I then only let her use it for naptime or bedtime. Never during the day. It worked out well.
It is so cute though! I love that picture of him!:) What a cutie!
How is it going with two?

Wentzel Weekly said...

You crack me up:)...we should try two! lol We are planning on it someday:). We shall see.

As far as bottle/breastfed goes, I don't know. Kendra was just breastfed too, and honestly, I did have to force the paci. She didn't take it for a while, and the day she finally did, was so exciting for me. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Keep trying the paci though, b/c you never know if one day he will take it, ya know?

I put Kendra to bed without her paci now, but naptime she still uses it once in a while. She just potty trained, so one thing at a time. I am planning on taking her paci away totally soon...yikes! Pray for us:). Did Noah do okay as far as sleep? I don't want to lose that wonderful 2-3 hour naptime each day, ya know?

Anyways, great chatting with you again lately! I love having another mom friend to blog with.

Anonymous said...

Just like Alexandra. She'll use the paci at our house, but the rest of the time it's her thumb. It is cute, but i have heard horror stories about getting them to stop. love you all cuz marg

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