Sunday, September 17, 2006

Life is busy!

Yeah, most of you know what that feels like. Busy busy busy! Well, our little Noah has been busy busy busy. He is now almost 15 months old and can do many "big boy" things. He runs everywhere he goes, he climbs everything, he knows that a cow says "MOOO" and a dog says "HAA HAA HAA" (open mouth, stick out toungue, and breath in and out), knows how to say please and thank you (signing), has 11 teeth, Loves the ladies, and Loves to eat hotdogs and goldfish. He recently has discovered condiments. You know, ketchup, ranch, salsa, cheese get the idea. Of course, like any other kid, he just sucks the stuff off whatever he is eating and dips it again (obviously he hasnt learned the double dipping rule).

What comes along with growing up is learning what you are allowed and not allowed to do. Noah is learning this everyday. "No, No, Noah" is heard multiple times in our house and lately has been followed up with Noah arching his back falling on the floor and sometimes starting to cry. This act is known as a "temper tantrum" (obviously). What I dont understand is, how did he learn to do that? I mean, his mommy nor his daddy has ever thrown themselves on the floor for not getting something they wanted. It's amazing to me what you don't have to teach a kid. We've been trying to train Noah in the way he should go, it's been hard but know that this is the begininng of a LONG trip. Pray for us.........

We had a good weekend. Josh's brother and wife, Caleb and Heather, came over to see us. We had a good time! Came away with 2 wins and a loss but played our hearts out. I think we found our "MoJo"! We had a fun ride home singing showtunes, and sharing our hidden talents! I found out Tab is a human jump rope! Wow! OH, and I learned how to do the slide! I didnt have alot of room in the bus, but we got in the aisle and did it. So much fun! It's alot like line dancing.

Anyway, another week starts tomorrow. Hope your week goes well! I love September and all my new shows! Yes!

This pic is from last year about this time. Noah was only 3 months old. I cant believe I didnt even get a picture from this weekend. Oh well, you get the idea....


christina said...

i don't remember if i've commented on your blog before, but i went to nbbc around the same time as josh and caleb. (he would probably remember my husband nathan from vb).

i just had to say, i'm with ya on the tantrums! connor does that DAILY. and sometimes i just don't know what to do with myself. it's definitely gonna be a long road with this little pagan. :) just wanted to say hang in there, b/c i'm feelin' your pain. :)

christina hairgrove

Wentzel Weekly said...

Kendra also does the same thing. We are working on this as well. We clap our hands and say "yeah" when she stops doing something we said no to, and it is so cute now when she goes to do something bad,sometimes she will stop and think about it, and then walk away clapping for herself. They are so much fun, and so much work! But well worth it all!!!

Troy & Sherry said...

hey friend-
i hope you are doing well! When are you coming to visit? Your little boy is getting so big.

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