Sunday, September 10, 2006

Famous Georgetown Coach: John Thompson!

We were in Georgetown this past weekend for a tournament. We fought hard and came away with a win and 2 losses. While waiting for the final match on Sat., we just happen to look out the bus window and there was John Thompson! For those of you who dont know who he is, he was the basketball coach at Georgetown who coached names such as Patrick Ewing, and lost the NCAA championship to UNC who was starring Michael Jordan.
Noah wasnt too sure about the "Hoya". He ran right up to him, but would NOT touch the doggie. He followed him around the building and when he went outside Noah cried. It was funny to see him around it. He wanted to look at him, but did not want anything to do with getting close. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

bethoven said...

Hey Annie! Nice pics...I haven't visited your blog in a while. I like the mascot story. Very funny!! :)

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