Friday, June 02, 2006

Not much new!

Well, since the my last post, our lives have gotten more complicated. (obviously) Noah is EVERYWHERE! He is walking/trying to run all over the place and I have learned to keep things up. So much for any decor we had setting anywhere Noah might be able to reach.

I am getting up early to go Garage Saling tomorrow. I fear it may be the last weekend of the year I will be able to. Last week I got up at 5:30 to hit the 5 I had on my little map. Well, they were all jokes EXCEPT for the last one (which was right across the street from us). They had ALL boys clothes size 2t-5t. Not only that but they were all name brands and some with the tags on them still. Needless to say, I loaded up. Noah got 23 pairs of pants/shorts and about 30 shirts (both long sleeve and short), 2 Gap winter coats, a pair of Adidas shoes and a pair of Nike shoes. It was probably at least $200 worth of stuff, I had it all in my arms and when I asked the lady how much, she just said, "Oh how about 5 bucks". I asked her if I could hug her (and I wasnt' kidding). What a saint!!! So, all that to say, maybe I can get lucky again. I am hitting a neighborhood in Cary (about 1/2 hour away) that will have 140 houses participating. FUN FUN. So, tomorrow is going to be another early morning. I'll let you know if I get anything good. I love garage saling...just wish I had somebody to come with me :-(

I put some new pictures on our Picture Blog. He was just too cute in his little overalls.....

We are going to Charleston this weekend to celebrate our cousin Lindy's graduation. Should be good times with family. June is a pretty clear month for us but July is absolutely crazy. We are going to be in IN, MI, GA, FL, and SC all within the span of about 3 weeks. Busy times.

Oh, the new schedule for the games is out so I will reformat it and post it, so if any of you live close enough you can come and watch the Camels!

My bed is calling......
more later


Anonymous said...

We would soooooooo be garage sale buddies if I lived nearby! Anybody who can get armloads for $5.00 and who is willing to get up at 5:30 a.m. to do it is my kind of shopper! :) Glad the Lord not only provided but provided super cool stuff, too! My problem is that I usually reward myself with a purchase at Saks after a great savings like that!!!! :)

The Two of Us said...

Hi - you don't know me, but I was on the volleyball team at NBBC when your husband was helping Coach Herron. I was also Beth Hill's roommate for a year in college. I've enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your cute little boy. I'm a garage saler too, but haven't had the dedication yet to start that early. We like to find stuff at garage sales to sell on Ebay. Anyway - just thought I would say hello.

bethoven said...

Annie, I'd go garage saling with you! But I don't know about getting up at 5:30...I did hit the big Brookfield sale a few weeks ago but haven't been since. Of course, I don't have a little boy to shop for so there's not as much out there for me. I'm just trying to furnish my sister's bedroom and find a cheap lawn mower!

Anonymous said...

Whoa - someone just sent me a picture of a church picnic at a church plant we support - I'm lookin' at it, thinking, "That sure looks like Josh and Annie" (and Noah!) - - - and it WAS you!!! When you said you visited Community a few weeks ago, I didn't put it all together - COOL!

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