Friday, May 05, 2006


Watch the Video

Noah is now 10 months old and loves to play peek-a-boo and has a huge obsession with doors.
We are slowly but surely getting through the boxes and I am very happy to report that we only have one room left to finish! We worked all day on Noah's room yesterday and I must say, it looks adorable! I will try to take some pics. It is missing one important thing and that is the homemade surfboard that will go behind his crib.

Other than that not much else is going on. This week is the last "regular" week of Josh's schedule at school. All the students are leaving this weekend. So, his hours will be flexible until about July, which will be nice to have him around more. Oh! Josh and I are on a 6 week diet and exercise program. I must say. IT IS SOOOO HARD! We have been really good and havent cheated one time! Our workout each night is the Biggest Loser DVD workout and is SOOO hard! At first I was doing it by myself and Josh would just make fun of the fact that I was dying after I did it, but now he is on board and he is the one who is sore. Well, speak of the devil, he just walked in the door, so I best go and love on him. Happy blogging and have a wondeful weekend!


Adrianna said...

Hi Annie Hill!

I must say that your family pic in your profile is too small for me to recognize you :-( I recognize your husband; I guess there are perks to being tall!! Thanks for visiting us and for introducing yourself! I will have to now come visit you as often now that I know you're here!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo glad Josh called a few months back - I check the blog at least three or four times a week, and just think little Noah is too adorable for words! The peek-a-boo video left me smiling at my computer screen! Tell Josh his Auntie Brenda Strohbehn is doing the same video ya'll are - and my bohineywhompus hurts like EVERYthing! But if it works, it's worth it - - - at least that's what I keep telling myself! :) Later!

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