Monday, April 03, 2006

Watch out or I will BITE YOU!

Can you see my new teeth? Noah is 9 months old and he can stand "all by himself". He had his shots today and didnt make a peep. As a matter of fact, the nurse was making faces at him and he was laughing at her, then she poked him. He sort of got a worried look on his face, but that was it. GOOD BOY! He can say, Da Da, Mom ma, Ga ga, Ba ba, and Gator Bait (by hitting his hands up and down). These 2 teeth just popped through in the last couple of days. We are so proud :-). Not much else is going on. We are going to Michigan next Wed. for the Easter season and will be staying a week, then we will be moving out of Josh's parent's house. We are moving into a Duplex in Angier, NC (about 10 minutes from campus). My plan is to get in there and paint this week (fingers crossed). I can tell I am just rambling now, so I better go. If you have read this far, I am surprised!


bethoven said...

I read the whole post, Annie! Congratulations to the Gators on the NCAA!

suzanne said...

Look at those toofers!!! He is ready to take a bite out of something yummy!

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