This post could be long. So, you've been warned. I have just had alot of things on my mind lately. Things that I stop and thank God for, things I need to continually work on, circumstances I don't necessarily love in my life, but are trying to see the good and work through them. A couple of things like how lucky we are to have people around us to help us be better parents. I am so thankful that God has surrounded us with friends who we can "bounce" parenting ideas off of, take advice from others who are not in that "season" of life but have amazing insight and ideas to help, people who constructively criticize to help you become better, and the amazing resources we have to go and help us find the answers. I also thank the Lord for giving me a "learner's spirit" (most times :-)) when I do hear things that I don't like about something I am doing or not doing. Also thankful for the proud Mommy moments when your child says, "Please, or Thankyou, or Excuse Me" without being prompted. Hard to be thankful for the moments in the grocery store when your two year old is laying on the ground screaming because he wants Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets, NOT the normal (ON SALE) Chicken Nuggets. Oh the joys of being a mom! Yes, I am the mother you will see at the grocery store with my two monkeys getting groceries. I have one who for the most part is pretty good IF I let him ride on the cart, and another one who will sit in the front of the cart (after a long loud battle, I always win) and say Hi to EVERYBODY we pass. I don't have a choice. It's what we do.
Anyway, on a little bit different note, I have also been thinking about how we as Christians sometimes think that we need to be perfect. Perfect children, perfect house, perfect job, perfect attitudes, perfect devotions, perfect, perfect, perfect..... seems very, I don't know....robotic to me. So what happens when you achieve this perfection? Is this what I want to teach my kids? My life's goal is suppose to be continually growing in Christ. I will never "arrive" and hope that I will continue to grow closer to Christ each day. At the age of 28 or's a continuous thing! But, how do we teach our kids that? I have been reading this Amazing book lately called Instructing a Child's Heart. It talks about the differences between discipline and instruction. "Discipline should be applied only when behavior need to be corrected. If the only time we instruct is when our children need discipline, our children will not listen to our instruction for fear of the discipline...." Wow! That is very hard to do with two young boys, but with consistency, prayer, right motives and strength from above, it is acheivable. In their previous book theTripps talk about getting to the childs heart. My prayer is that I can INSTRUCT my kids in a way that they will not make decisions because they know that is what Josh and I want for them (people pleasers), but they will have discerning hearts. Every opportunity to correct our children is an opportunity to confront them with the need of forgiveness and Easier said than done, that's for sure! The sad part is that I know many adults who haven't learned this "discernment" factor. What a tough world we live in. Makes me even more excited to think of what is to come! That is my prayer... that our kids can find the truth and hang on to it in an understanding discerning way...I could probably go on and on....but on to other things.
Noah has started K4 this year and now gets up everyday to go to "momma's school". He's done pretty well the past couple weeks, gets up when I need him to (6:45), gets dressed quickly, and out to the van with his bookbag packed and on his back! He has been having a little problem at school listening and obeying which has lead to his stick being moved to yellow several times and red a few times. Uh oh... guess I need to be reading the above paragraph everyday! We are working on him obeying the "first time he is told" (yes, we sing the song frequently) so hopefully things will get better. He LOVES school and his teachers and loves all the extra attention from the "bigger" kids when I walk up and down the halls with him. Jacob started at a church daycare about a month ago. He enjoys it and has many "friends" in his class. They all give him a hug when I pick him up (it really is too cute). Jacob is also learning many things as a not-so-terrible but still-not-obedient two year old. He has been trying to play the baby card alot lately (cries if he wants something Noah has, or just plain....cries) but we are trying to "nip it" quick, so things are getting a little better (slowly). Wow! Learning is going around alot around here!!! Josh's season started about 3 weeks ago as well and we have played 10 matches. We are 7-3 as of last night and play again this afternoon in Pensecola. Josh is feeling much better and I would say he is at about 90%. His hands give him problems occasionally but other than that he is starting to get his strength back and is well on his way to 100%. thanks for your prayers for him by the way. It's hard on us sometimes when he is away at matches or recruiting, but thankfully we stay pretty busy playing outside, reading, swimming, picnics at the park, etc. It helps keep my mind off of the fact that he isn't here. It's been hard being in a place without family. Not having that "option"of calling one of our parents and asking if we can drop the kids off so we can go on a date, or even when one of us gets sick. It's an adjustment, but we are making the best out of it (most times :-) We are getting into the "heat" of the season next week when we start playing conference matches. As for me, I am doing well. This is my 2nd year as a fulltime piano teacher and I have 47 students. I still love what I do and thank the Lord everyday for the opportunity to do it!
That's about it from this neck of the woods. I told you it would be quite long and if you stuck it out this far I am amazed! Thanks for reading about us and love to all! Until next time!
Okay, I guess I will throw in some pictures :-)