Saturday, June 02, 2007

An Update.

I don't know why I can't get a shot of Noah holding Jacob WITHOUT him crying. That will be my next mission. Anyway, Jacob will be 6 weeks on Monday and Noah just turned 23 months. Jacob weighs over 10 lbs and is getting more alert each day. He loves to just sit on your lap and hold his head up. He is happiest in the morning and that is when mommy gets all her smiles. He loves his big brother but sometimes Noah gives him too much love. Noah is 31 lbs and still growing. He really doesn't look 31 lbs, especially since you can still see his ribs when his shirt is off, but really he does. His newest thing is pointing to pictures and telling us who is in them. Momma, Da da, Jacob (comes out with a Russian accent, Jayckob...) and Noah. He loves airplanes and LOVES to go to the park. We have been enjoying having daddy home for the past month and have been taking advantage by going to the pool, parks, and even went to see Shrek 3. The weather has been really nice as well, and have grilled out every night! So nice.....
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Wentzel Weekly said...

We thought about taking Kendra to see Shrek 3. How did Noah do? Did you take both kids? You are so brave:). Cute pics. I love looking at your blog.

Anonymous said...

how far are you guys from the beach? We are definitely taking advantage of it while we are here. Emma loves the water- even though it is frigid cold still. Looks like you are staying busy with your boys- so much fun!

Molly said...

Hey, I like the new look of your blog. Looks like Noah is really enjoying all the extra Daddy time! :)

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