Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Quick Noah Update

Well, Noah has hit the 17 month mark recently so I thought I would just update you all on his upcomings... He is a MESS! Typical boy. Loves to climb and figure things out. If there is a door anywhere in the house, it HAS to be shut. If I have to get something out of the refrigerator, dryer or pantry, I find myself hurrying to get it out. Otherwise, I will get my head, hand, or any other body part crushed from the door being slammed. It's nuts. He knows how to dump his toys all over the floor and believe it or not, he knows how to put them away. Whenever he puts something away, he has to yell "DAAA" as it falls to the bottom. It's some sort of accomplishment for him I think. It's really funny. His 2 favorite shows are Little Einsteins and Go Diego Go! With Einsteins, he pats and pats when they do and then puts his arms up in the air as they yell, BLAST OFF! If he sees that Diego is on he yells, "Go Go Go!" and then gets my attention and repeats Go Go Go 5 more times just to make sure I know it's on. Whenever Diego asks a question, Noah always shakes his head no. Diego: "Is this a spectacle Bear?" Noah: SHAKES HEAD VIGOROUSLY... Every time! His favorite movie is Toy Story. Not really sure why, but he has learned how to put the tape in, turn the TV on, and start the movie. Sometimes really early we hear "You've got a friend in me"....and Noah giggling in anticipation. He will sit and watch the ENTIRE movie. I tried to get him to watch Ice Age MeltDown. But everytime the squirrel with the acorn came on, he would cry and run to my lap. Yeah, didnt like it so much. He is doing SO well in his big boy bed. We just say, Noah time for night night. He walks into his room and climbs into bed. I love it! He stays there most of the time, sometimes he will sneak out and start pulling all the books off the shelf! My favorite part is when he comes running in our room in the morning. About 7:30 I wake up to the crinkle of a diaper and little feet running. Then he gets in a lays with us for a while......I love that time!!!
Okay, sorry to ramble. They havent called to schedule the 2nd ultrasound yet, so there is really no news on that end. We are going to Gainesville tomorrow to watch the gators play in the regionals. YEAH! We will be back Sunday, then Josh leaves for Omaha on Wednesday, gets back Sat. and then we leave for Indiana on Sunday!!! Yeah! We are stopping in IN on our way up to MI. Can't wait!


Vogt Family said...

WOW! I can't believe he will watch an entire movie. Griffin hates TV. He won't watch cartoons or movies. I think he is trying to torture me with no break ever.
PS. he would rather break ornaments off of the tree and throw everything in the toilet:)

Laura said...

I can totally sympathize about opening doors to anything! William's favorite thing to climb onto and into is the dishwasher. I try to load and unload it while he's sleeping. I thought it was just me, but now I'm imagining all of the moms around the world hurriedly opening their pantries so their kids don't climb in...hilarious! :)

The Coons said...

Noah sounds like so much fun!! Makes me look forward to all the adventures (& chaos) Alex will find himself (and me) in the middle of in the days to come!!

Anonymous said...

YES....BRING THAT BABY TO ME!!!!!! hurry, hurry! Well not too fast..I won't be there til the 15th, but after that you better hurry all your tushes home! ok. love you. bye

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